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Welcome - Bienvenue

on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 22:10

Paam Laafi Association exists to make high quality medical care accessible to all, including the poorest, in Jesus' Name.

We hope that this site will inform you about our work and the people that make up the Paam Laafi Association. And how you can get involved! 

We believe that together we can make a huge difference in the lives of the people of Burkina Faso, a landlocked country right in the middle of West Africa and one of the seven poorest countries in the world, with 18.000.000 inhabitants.

Since 2010, Paam Laafi Association has been able to hold mobile medical clinics at the local primary schools (over 16.000 children examined and treated), to start building a 120-bed hospital, hold mobile dental clinics and specialize in occupational medicine.

Paam Laafi seeks to help in a sustainable way and stresses the importance of local involvement and ownership in its projects and programs.

We believe that God through Christ inspires us to reach out to the poorest of our communities in practical, professional and caring ways.

The Paam Laafi team is a very international group of professionals consisting mainly of Burkinabe and some longterm missionaries and expats. You can here more about their lives and involvement in the Blog area.


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